OUFC squad spend a few days away

Michael Appleton will be taking Oxford United’s squad away for a team bonding trip next week.

The U’s boss has decided a few days away will help the backroom staff and players form a bond together with a trip to Bisham Abbey.

The 800 year old Abbey was once a home for the English nobility and aristocracy and is now part of one of Sport England`s National Sports Centres used as a prestigious training venue for over 20 different sports and organisations including the English Institute of Sport, England Hockey, Living Tennis and the England Football and Rugby Associations.

Sporting Facilities and Services include:
?Football pitches
?Synthetic hockey pitches
?90 Station Fitness Suite
?Workout classes
?Squash courts
?Tennis courts (hard and clay)
?Abbey Clinic (sports rehabilitation)
?Bisham Abbey Sailing and Navigation School

The team will arrive on Monday departing Thursday next week. In that time the U’s squad I’m sure will combine serious training with some light hearted bonding events.

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